June 4th 2024, Jeju, South Korea


Welcome to the Safe-Drive IV Workshop 2024!

Ensuring the safety of autonomous vehicles is a complex and intricate task that necessitates a comprehensive approach across various domains. Given the prohibitive costs of real-world testing, simulating edge scenarios emerges as a viable solution to ascertain the safety of AVs. However, traditional simulation methodologies often impose a trade-off between realism and controllability, creating substantial discrepancies in accurately mirroring the complex dynamics of real-world driving scenarios. Additionally, these data-driven simulations tend to neglect the complex network of multi-agent interactions that AVs must navigate, a critical factor influencing both safety and operational efficiency. This requires a holistic approach to simulation, one that incorporates the subtle interactions between various road users and environmental conditions, ensuring the evolution of robust and reliable AV systems.


Call For Papers

This workshop aims to foster advancements in AV safety and adaptability by delving into innovative, data-driven simulation methodologies and exploring the complexities of multi-agent interactions. The topics of interest within the scope of this workshop include, but are not limited to :
 •  Generating data-driven traffic simulations for autonomous vehicle (AV) safety
 •  Pedestrian prediction and its effect on AV safety
 •  Transparency and explainability of vehicle-pedestrian interactions in multi-agent environments
 •  Transferable and continual driver behavior modeling
 •  Adversarial testing and validation frameworks, adversarial attacks, and falsification of autonomous vehicle (AV) sub-modules (e.g., perception, decision-making, communication, and control)
 •  Applications of AVs interacting with human agents
 •  Naturalistic driving environment modeling with statistical realism


AV safety; AV motion planning; Data-driven traffic simulations;Driver behavior modeling;Pedestrian-prediction;Pedestrian-vehicle-interactions;Explainability of interactions;Adversarial testing;

Keynote Speakers

  • Mohan Trivedi

    Mohan Trivedi

    University of California, USA

  • Moongu Jeon

    Moongu Jeon

    Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea

  • Marco Pavone

    Marco Pavone

    Associate Professor, Stanford University &
    Director of AV Research, Nvidia USA


Workshop Code for submission: SAFE-DRIVE
Workshop Paper Submission deadline: 1st February 2024 at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
Workshop Paper Notification of Acceptance: March 30, 2024
Workshop Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 22, 2024
Paper submission here.


Q: Will there be archival proceedings?
A: Yes, All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and will be published in IEEE proceedings.

Q: Should submitted papers be anonymized or without authors names?
A: No.

Q: My paper contains ABC, but not XYZ, is this good enough for a submission?
A: Submissions will be peer-reviewed based on the information provided here.

Q: My question is not listed here. How can I contact you?
A: Please reach out to us at the email address and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!

Q: Will the deadline for paper submission be extented?
A: We are afraid that all deadline are firm and will not be extended.

Q: What is the unique code for this workshop for submission?
A: The unique code for submitting the paper for this workshop is "SAFE-DRIVE". More Information here.


June 2nd, 2024. All times are in Korean Standard Time (KST). Current time is


Accepted Papers



  • shoaib Azam

    Shoaib Azam

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Aalto University & Finnish center for Artifical Intelligence, Finland.

  • Tsvetomila Mihaylova

    Tsvetomila Mihaylova

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Aalto University, Finland.

  • Stefan Reitmann

    Stefan Reitmann

    is a research fellow at Lund University, Sweden.

  • Farzeen Munir

    Farzeen Munir

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Aalto University & Finnish center for Artifical Intelligence, Finland.

  • Syed Arsal

    Syed Arsal

    is a Postdoctoral Scholar at RTIS lab University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), USA.

  • Nico Uhlemann

    Nico Uhlemann

    is a PhD student at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Advisory Committee



Theater B, 2nd floor
Landing Convention Centerr, 38 Sinhwayeoksa-ro 304 beon-gil, Andeok-myeon Seogwipo-si, Jeju, South Korea